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Show Your Support: Patient Safety Awareness Week

Show Your Support: Patient Safety Awareness Week

Patient Safety Awareness Week, a highlight of the United for Patient Safety Campaign, is time dedicated to raising awareness about patient safety among health professionals and the public. Campaign organizers have created branded campaign materials for both healthcare...

Upcoming 80% by 2018 LIVE Event

Upcoming 80% by 2018 LIVE Event

National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month kicks off in New York City with a special live broadcast on Wednesday, March 1 at 1:00 p.m. (CT) that will feature many celebrity guests dedicated to the cause. Great Plains Quality Innovation Network (QIN) team members, Judy...

Lets “KNOCK OUT” the Flu in Our Communities!

Lets “KNOCK OUT” the Flu in Our Communities!

Are you ready to help “Knock Out the Flu” in your community?  It’s that time of year; the time when everyone is sick. Yes, the flu bug is back again and hitting our communities hard! What can we do as healthcare providers in “round two” of flu season? Give Strong...