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May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month

May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month

May is national High Blood Pressure Education Month; there’s still time to encourage activities in your organization and raise awareness. According to the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is usually preventable with simple steps, yet it kills more...

Beyond Medication Reconciliation; Correct Medication Lists

Beyond Medication Reconciliation; Correct Medication Lists

  Medication reconciliation is a major focus of quality measurement activities, and according to The Joint Commission, primary care clinicians are expected to reconcile a patient’s medications at every visit. Medication reconciliation is sometimes defined as the...

Action Framework to Achieve Health Equity

Action Framework to Achieve Health Equity

In a recent CMS Office of Minority Health blog post: Minority Health Month (April), CMS Office of Minority Health Director Cara James outlined an action framework for reducing disparities and improving care and health for all. The framework emphasizes the importance...

Achieving the “Correct” Medication List

Achieving the “Correct” Medication List

Adverse Drug Events (ADEs) are a leading cause of injury and death within healthcare systems around the world.¹ Many of these events occur as a result of poor communication between health professionals and between health professionals and patients/caregivers. The...