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Spread the Love…Not the Disease

Spread the Love…Not the Disease

August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). NIAM highlights the need for improving national immunization levels and encourages all people to protect their health by getting immunized against infectious diseases. The observance is a great way to promote...

The Opioid Epidemic – How Does Your State Fare?

The Opioid Epidemic – How Does Your State Fare?

A new interactive map from AHRQ allows users to explore state-specific information about opioid-related hospital stays. Users may find, for example: Between 2005 and 2014, the national rate of opioid-related inpatient stays increased 64.1 percent and the national rate...

GOOD News for Skilled Nursing Facilities

GOOD News for Skilled Nursing Facilities

The new payment rule posted Monday by CMS has skilled nursing facilities obtaining a 1% federal payment rise; an increase of $370 million. This increase is for all post-acute providers and was mandated by the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015.  The...