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Patients Over Paperwork

Patients Over Paperwork

Putting patients first is a top national priority.... In October, CMS Administrator Seema Verma announced the “Patients over Paperwork” initiative, which is in accord with President Trump’s Executive Order that directs federal agencies to “cut the red tape” to reduce...

Managing Family Expectations in Antibiotic Reduction

Managing Family Expectations in Antibiotic Reduction

The old saying 'communication is key' applies to all situations, especially healthcare. Furthermore, communicating to residents and their families about antibiotic reduction can sometimes be a hard task. Any action taken to improve antibiotic use is expected to reduce...

The Link Between Influenza and Sepsis

The Link Between Influenza and Sepsis

This year's influenza season has hit hard across the globe. Most people who get the flu fully recover, however, the flu can lead to major health complications, including sepsis. Sepsis is the body’s overwhelming response to infection, which can lead to tissue damage,...