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You Can Laugh or You Can Cry

You Can Laugh or You Can Cry

Five days after Jan celebrated her 65th birthday, her life was changed forever. She had just gotten home from having dinner with friends.  While she was changing clothes she suddenly fell.  Thankfully, she landed on her bed avoiding any major injury.  She felt like...

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is April 27

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is April 27

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, April 27, 2019. The goal of this event is to provide consumers a safe, convenient and responsible way to dispose of unused or expired prescription drugs. The last Take-Back Day brought in more than 900,000 pounds...

Lowering Medication Prescribing Errors

Lowering Medication Prescribing Errors

  Fewer Errors Seen in Computerized Prescribing System That Selects Medications Based on Indications A Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) system that incorporated drug indications into prescription ordering workflows improved clinicians’ efficiency and...