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One Minute I Could Talk; The Next, I Could Not

One Minute I Could Talk; The Next, I Could Not

About 103 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure. Nearly half of those people don’t have their blood pressure controlled. High blood pressure causes the heart to pump harder to move blood through the body which can weaken blood vessels and damage...

Just Culture Impacts Risk Management

Just Culture Impacts Risk Management

  Just Culture is a clear and easy-to-use healthcare quality tool used to manage risk and prevent adverse events.   Leaders use the system to determine if an action was a simple human error, a risky choice or a reckless choice and how that behavior or choice...

Challenges for Sepsis Survivors

Challenges for Sepsis Survivors

Post-Sepsis Life: A Challenge for Many Survivors and their Loved Ones The National Sepsis Alliance recently shared information on what life looks like after sepsis. The article provides insight as to what follows after you are told you can go home. Every year, over 1...

Celebrating Healthcare Professionals

Celebrating Healthcare Professionals

The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network team would like to celebrate the incredible people that you are, your incredible coworkers (including our own) and the places where you work!  Thank you for all you do to contribute to your profession, your communities and...

Champion Clean Care – It’s In Your Hands!

Champion Clean Care – It’s In Your Hands!

Protect yourself and your patients from potentially deadly germs by cleaning your hands. Be sure you clean your hands the right way at the right times. Simple hand hygiene is a practical and evidence-based approach with demonstrated impact on quality of care and...