COVID-19 Staff Vaccination Ambassadors
North Dakota
Arbor House

We provided education on an ongoing basis through a variety of avenues i.e. 1:1 discussion, paper handouts, video’s, etc. A $100.00 bonus was provided to fully vaccinated staff as a “thank you for giving the gift of protection to our residents and your co-workers.”
Augusta Place Good Samaritan

Ave Maria Village

Being available to assist staff in registering for the vaccine and sending reminders. Have positive cases again this fall, texts and emails stating the availability of vaccine and strong encouragement from SMPHS lead staff.
Benedictine Living Community - Ellendale

We offered ongoing education at monthly staff meeting and utilized Dr. Paul Carson’s videos.
Bethel Lutheran Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Basic Care

We provide education on an ongoing basis through a variety of avenues i.e. 1:1 visits, paper handouts, video’s, etc. A $100.00 bonus was also provided as a “thank you for the gift of protection to our residents and you co-worker.”
Bismarck Burleigh Public Health

It is a longstanding tradition at Bismarck Burleigh Public Health to promote vaccinations and Covid-19 has been no different. It is the mind set of our staff to never miss an opportunity to educate and administer a vaccine. It is our belief that we can’t promote an attitude of vaccine importance if we aren’t willing to be vaccinated ourselves.
BLC Wahpeton-St Catherine’s Living Center
We were fortunate that the majority of our staff was willing to get vaccinated, especially since so many staff and residents had covid in the past year. We did have a few that got vaccinated after the mandate initially came out as they did not want to lose their jobs. It is so comforting to know that we have such dedicated staff that want to work with our residents.
Cavalier County Health District

Cavalier County Memorial Hospital

We worked with Cavalier County Public Health to provide and schedule vaccination dates starting in December. Staff were able to leave work briefly to get the vaccination. Nursing leaders and other leadership staff also got the vaccination. We rolled it out based on the Tier system from the state. Most were quite willing to get the vaccine. We had one staff member who had been quite ill with COVID, which may have also encouraged staff to get vaccinated. People need to decide on their own. They do not like to be pushed and that will actually drive certain groups away.
Central Valley Health District

CHI Health at Home and Hospice

Allowing staff to schedule vaccine time during working hours has assisted our agency in increasing our rate.
CHI St. Alexius Health TCU

Educating staff on vaccination efficacy and making sure they have all the data and can make an informed decision as well as posting of weekly numbers in the state has worked for our staff to get vaccinated.
City-County Health District

Dickey County Health District

We are a public health unit that has been involved in the front line work during this pandemic. We were delighted that we have a 100% immunization rate.
Dunseith Community Nursing Home
Dunseith Community Nursing Home offered a bonus as an incentive and educated staff on the importance of the vaccination and how it will benefit both staff, and most importantly, the residents.
Eventide - Fargo

Persistence and education are key. We also had a mandatory PowerPoint presentation and education meeting discussing the science and facts on the vaccines. We included testimonials from staff who are suffering from long hauler COVID symptoms, as well as those who had family members were with severe COVID. We also used resident testimonials on reasons why they hope staff will get vaccinated and what they are looking forward to post vaccine. We have actively worked with local pharmacies and the county to get people vaccinated when we don’t have doses on hand. If someone wants a vaccine I will find them one.
Eventide - Sheyenne Crossings

We did a lot of education leading up to our initial vaccine clinics. We did hang up signs in the building talking about common myths of the vaccines and discussing reasons why staff should get the vaccine, but I truly believe it comes down to talking with your staff 1:1. I had many meetings with staff and discussed their personal concerns, thoughts and feelings about the vaccine and provided them with education and resources for them to do additional reading tailored to their specific concerns. We attended numerous shift reports and department meetings and really just talked about how important the vaccine is to the health and safety of the residents and our employees. Once we started getting employees to agree to get the vaccine, others who were hesitant started encouraging their co-workers and it really was a domino effect. I continue to talk with people who have not yet chosen to get the vaccine and talk about what fears they still have. We have continued to get more staff to take the vaccine every week and just keep encouraging and educating. We are currently at 90% of our staff vaccinated with more staff planning to get the vaccine next week. I think the difference for us was addressing vaccine concerns on a personal level. We addressed their fears and tailored responses and education to what each individual was worried about and what each individual had to gain from getting the vaccine. We were very persistent in our education and didn’t let an initial no stop us from continuing to approach employees and encourage them to rethink their position.
Fargo Elim Assisted Living

We offered education and a staff bonus of $100 for those who received their vaccination.
First Care Health Center

We listened to the concerns of our staff as the vaccine was getting ready to roll out and we knew there was some hesitation out there about the vaccines and their safety and efficacy. Our Incident Command Team spoke with one of our physicians who agreed to give presentations for our staff regarding the vaccine. We had our staff sign up for one of several sessions offered and allowed time for Q&A at the end. These informative sessions were very well attended and well received. We are confident they helped change the mind of some of our staff. We sent an anonymous survey to find out how many of our staff were planning to get vaccinated. We were able to use this to gage if we needed to do more staff education. We made our vaccination days a fun event. We had photo ops, snacks, and music. There was a lot of excitement around there the first couple of days! All three of our providers were willing to get our first vaccines in front of the group and this was covered by the local newspapers. As of today we have 92.3% of our staff vaccinated against COVID-19!
First District Health District

Four Seasons Healthcare System

Good Samaritan Society Oakes
We have worked with multiple disciplines in our area including Dickey County Health Department and out local pharmacy Tara’s Thrifty White in order to ensure that vaccine is available. Working with both entities has allowed us to offer the needed guidance to get the correct information on vaccinations out to our staff. Together we have achieved our goal; one that would not have been met without all of the local support.
Grand Forks Public Health

We provided on-site vaccinations and multiple convenient opportunities for personnel to be vaccinated. Administrative leave was available for anyone who experienced side effects preventing them from their assigned work after vaccination. Information about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine was provided frequently to staff in many venues such as print, research information, webinars and opportunities to visit with vaccine experts if they had questions.
Griggs County Care Center

Education. We benefit due to being a small family-orientated facility; we want to protect all whom we care for and wanted residents to be able to have visitors.
Heart of America Medical Center

We continue to offer education on the benefits of the vaccine through meetings, one-on-one conversations and videos. Having 100% of the residents vaccinated without side effects has helped. Staff members witnessing for themselves the mild side effects, if any, coworkers had with the vaccine. Cutting down on mandatory testing for vaccinated employees (still meeting the CMS criteria), but continuing with enhanced testing for unvaccinated employees.
Heritage Centre Assisted Living

With being in healthcare, most of our staff have not questioned why to get the vaccine. We do mandate goggles/face shields/testing for all unvaccinated staff and there are a few not willing to go that extra step.
LaMoure County Health Department

All staff believe in vaccination. Only one staff member has opted out due to multiple allergies to medications and foods.
Lillestol Research

Our organization is participating in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial. As a result, our staff believes in science behind the vaccine and we have a 96% vaccination rate.
Luther Memorial
Maple View Memory Care

Our initial staff vaccination percentage was 65 percent in January and February; when we were first able to start receiving vaccines. Since then, we have shared many articles, videos and other educational resources about the vaccines and have continually encouraged our staff to educate themselves further on COVID-19 vaccines. Slowly but surely, more and more staff began getting their vaccines; as of early August, we passed 80% vaccinated. We will continue to educate and share any knowledge we can until all of our staff feel confident enough to get the vaccine.
Marian Manor Healthcare Center
Education has been so very important. We had the North Dakota State University (NDSU) immunization education team do some education during one of our regular all staff meetings. It was helpful and debunked many common myths about the COVID vaccine. Supervisors did one-on-one visits with hesitant staff and found this to also be helpful. We openly communicated with staff and listened to their concerns. The CMS vaccine mandate also has brought forth a few of our vaccine hesitant staff to take the vaccination. We gave PTO days, during a set time frame, as an incentive to those that took the COVID vaccine.Our facility’s overall goal is to keep our residents safe and vaccination is such a key preventative measure.
Maryhill Manor

Education. Education. Education. Sitting down with staff that were hesitant and walking them through their concerns. Access: making it easy for staff to get vaccinated by having the clinic on-site.
Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy

Our staff voluntarily received vaccinations and completed their doses in February 2021. All but two (one being a new hire) received both doses of Moderna.
Missouri Slope
It is very important to know that the staff are scared and they have every right to be scared of the unknown. Hearing them out and providing education is what some need.
Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit

Nelson-Griggs District Health Unit employs a total of 3 staff – 2 RNs and 1 Administrative Assistant. With such a small staff, 3 other RNs have provided limited nursing services as needed for COVID-19 clinics and other public health services. All 6 are vaccinated, making our staff 100% vaccinated.
North Dakota Veteran’s Home
We communicated with staff with education and having open conversations regarding the vaccination and any hesitancy they may have. Inaccurate data has been a barrier for some staff. Many are not sure who to trust. Some individuals made the decision to receive the vaccine after having to be out once – or after multiple times – for being a close contact.
Northwood Deaconess Health Center

It’s really helped that our clinic is an authorized vaccination clinic. They run vaccine clinics every Thursday. Majority of our staff vaccinated initially then we picked away at the rest of the staff over time. I know some changed their mind as they were more comfortable. We made a change allowing vaccinated staff to no longer wear eye protection and that made a few change their minds. We’ve included education in newsletters, daily briefs, meetings, direct conversations etc. I’ve met with many of our staff on a one on one for those that wanted more information, some decided to take it others have continued to refuse. Under 18 population, pregnant, breast feeding, potential child bearing age seem to be the largest portion of our unvaccinated. I’ve had other say they’ll get vaccinated if it leads to taking the mask off, which right now is not the case for the vaccinated and they’re seeing that.
Parkside Lutheran Home
Continued COVID-19 vaccine education and providing staff opportunities to participate in vaccination clinics in-house has greatly contributed to our success rate with vaccinating our staff. Providing educational materials on vaccination, giving reminders on vaccine efficacy, safety and speaking with staff personally has helped our vaccination program immensely. Supporting our staff through the pandemic by answering questions and listening to their health concerns regarding COVID-19 has helped to establish trust in our Infection Prevention Program as well. Our staff has been dedicated to our community of residents since the onset of the pandemic, and it shows through their continued dedication and participation in our COVID-19 Vaccination program.
Pembina County Public Health

100% of the Pembina County Public Health staff are vaccinated.
Prairie SEA: Sinus Ear & Allergy Clinic

Misconceptions were the biggest impediment to vaccination. We were able to achieve a 100% vaccination rate though patience and education of our excellent staff. Our physician staff provided materials and staff education with verified source information from the State of North Dakota Department of Health, the CDC and the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology. We regularly entertained all questions and concerns with openness.
Ransom County Public Health
Richland County Health Department

Rolette Community Care Center

We had low numbers with the first round, but as they saw no major side effects and with word of mouth and discussions, the numbers have risen.
Rolette County Public Health District

It is very hard to be giving the vaccine and encouraging others to get the vaccine if you haven’t gotten it yourself. After the hours worked and frustration for the last year, it was a very easy decision as we knew it was the first step at ending the pandemic
Rosewood on Broadway

We initially provided education of the benefits of getting vaccinated to all staff and residents. We did a survey of staff to find out what questions they had about the vaccine and provided education based on those questions. Once we got the initial list of staff, we went back to those that had not consented and asked if they had any further questions. We sent out Dr. Paul Carson’s video on vaccination to all staff and families of the residents to help answer their questions on the benefits of vaccination. Prior to our first vaccination date, a few key staff sent out emails to all staff saying why they were personally choosing to receive the vaccination. That encouraged staff to talk to those people with their questions. In January, we had 3 scheduled dates for staff to receive their vaccinations at the facility. Some of the staff that were holding out on getting the vaccine were able to see that their co-workers did not experience side effects and did very well after getting their 1st and 2nd doses. They were also able to see many of their co-workers wearing buttons that the facility gave them that said “I got my COVID-19 vaccination”. We continue to talk to new staff and send out reminders to staff when we are giving vaccinations so they know that it is available to them. All of these things together have been successful in encouraging staff to get the vaccine.
Sanford Health Medical Center - Fargo
Marketing campaigns, mass communications to dispel myths, leadership rounding within departments and hosted frequent and convenient vaccination clinics.
Sanford Medical Center - Bismarck
Marketing campaigns, mass communications to dispel myths, leadership rounding within departments and hosted frequent and convenient vaccination clinics.
Sargent County District Health Unit
There was very little hesitancy among our small staff.
SMP Health - St. Catherine
Many staff have seen the vaccine being given to other staff and no adverse side effects given.
Southpointe Pharmacy
Our pharmacy has been on the front lines of the vaccination effort. Staff were motivated to lead by example in becoming vaccinated to protect themselves, their families, and the patients we serve.
Spectra Health

COVID vaccine available on-site during work hours helped to reduce barriers and made it convenient for employees to get vaccinated. Given that we work in healthcare, many employees were motivated and excited to be given the opportunity to get vaccinated for their health and safety as well as the health and safety of their family, friends and our community.
Spirit Lake Health Center

Education using reputable sources from North Dakota Department of Health and CDC Vaccine acceptance over time. Also, providing multiple opportunities for vaccination.
St. Andrew's Health Center

Actually didn’t take much convincing! Our staff were pretty excited to get vaccinated. A vaccine clinics all shifts care package was given with each vaccine (tylenol, powerade, chicken soup). Prior to vaccine rollout, all employees were required to watch Paul Carson video re: vaccine safety and efficacy. In addition, posters, pamphlets, etc. were distributed and an in-house video scrolling message board with pro vaccine education was displayed.
St. Gerard's Community of Care

Staff education and requiring education prior to signing a declination sheet. For those not immunized, we require continued use of higher level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compared to those who took vaccine, etc.
St. Luke’s Home
We continue to talk and listen to those individuals who are unvaccinated one-on-one. We work to validate their fears, but show them evidence to help ease their minds about getting vaccinated. Also, showing them statistical evidence that supports vaccines has helped persuade some.
St. Raphael

St. Vincent's
As a Sanford/GSS facility, we have implemented a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination, similar to our annual influenza vaccination requirement. In addition to this, we have done a lot of one-on-one education with our staff members to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines and answer questions and provide facts for the concerns staff have. There is a lot of transparency with the information shared regarding vaccinations, benefits, risks, and current statistics. We are very proud to have reached this milestone!
Steele County Public Health Department

No barriers; our employees welcomed the vaccine
The Arc Upper Valley

94% of our staff have been vaccinated as of yesterday at 5:00 pm, and everyone did this on their own. We had some informal inter-departmental conversations when the vaccine was available, but we never formally recommended it to our staff. We are so proud of our staff for looking out for their health and the health of the community.
The Medicine Shoppe

We have not seen barriers preventing our staff from getting vaccinated. We all wanted to be vaccinated as soon as we were able, to get life back to normal.
Traill District Health Unit

Our public health office works continuously to get others vaccinated and to achieve a higher vaccination rate. It required no effort at all to get our staff vaccinated at the first opportunity presented.
Turtle Lake Rexall Drug

We offered vaccinations early and made them easily available.
Unity Medical Center

1 on 1 conversations for those hesitant. We would like to see ourselves above 90%. We have a young female workforce that are hesitant due to concerns of either being presently pregnant or concerned about future pregnancy complications. We are planning an anonymous survey to assess concerns and help provide information and 1 on 1 conversations to help increase our percentage.
Upper Missouri District Health Unit

Education from trusted sources and leadership encouragement.
Valley Senior Living on 42nd

Education, education and education. Revisiting with those who declined initially.
Valley Senior Living on Columbia

Education, education and education. Revisiting with those who declined initially.
Villa Maria

Villa Maria initially provided education of the benefits of getting vaccinated to all staff and residents. We did a survey of staff to find out what questions they had about the vaccine and provided education based on those questions. Once we got the initial list of staff we went back to those that had not consented and asked if they had any further questions. We sent out Dr. Paul Carson’s video on vaccination to all staff and families of the residents to help answer their questions on the benefits of vaccination. In January and February, we had 3 scheduled dates for staff to receive their vaccinations at the facility. Some of the staff that were holding out on getting the vaccine were able to see that their co-workers did not experience side effects and did very well after getting their 1st and 2nd doses. They were also able to see many of their co-workers wearing buttons that the facility gave them that said “I got my COVID-19 vaccination”. We continue to talk to new staff and those that have not received the vaccine. All of these things together have been successful in encouraging staff to get the vaccine.
Walsh County Health District & WIC

All staff have recognized the importance of vaccination and readily adopted getting the vaccine.
Wedgewood Manor
One of the biggest game changers was having a staff member discuss their personal experience and long-term effects related to COVID-19.
Wells County District Health Unit

South Dakota
Aurora Brule Care and Rehab

We have hit 80 percent of our staff to be vaccinated. We continue to reach out and educate. Hoping to continue to have 1 or 2 more, at the very least, lean to getting the vaccine.
Avantara Arrowhead

Avantara Huron
Reminding staff that visitation, activities, dining opportunities, etc., could all be much better for our residents if everyone would get vaccinated really helped our staff get on board with getting their vaccinations.
Avantara Pierre
FDA approval of the vaccine helped with our vaccination numbers. Some staff became COVID-positive; after they became well, they wanted to get vaccinated to prevent symptoms of COVID. The vaccine reduces symptoms from COVID.
Avantara Watertown
We’ve done everything possible to education and provide opportunities, such as ease in access, vaccine manufacturer choice, and monetary incentives.
Avera Eureka Health Care Center
Avera Borman Manor

We have staff who made their minds up from the beginning to not receive vaccination. They are still required to test at least weekly and now they are the only staff required to wear eye protection at all times while working. I’m hoping this last regulation will sway their decisions and they will get the vaccine after all.
Avera Brady Health and Rehab

We continue to provide education on the benefits of vaccination and what impact it has for our residents. We provided vaccine clinics at the facility and in the community and covered for staff that were schedule for vaccine during their shift. We continue to educate those not fully vaccinated on the benefit and where and when they can get vaccinated.
Avera Heart Hospital
We have provided staff education and information on the benefits and science behind the COVID-19 vaccines. We have encouraged a culture of making informed decisions without being judgmental about each individual’s choice. We try to encourage open and honest conversations about the science of the vaccine rather than the politics that have influenced vaccine hesitancy. We try to direct employees to valid sources of information instead of using social media or online news. Some of the barriers that we have encountered include misinformation and the politicization of COVID-19 and the vaccines.
Avera Maryhouse
We have continued to promote vaccination by offering education. We have been open to talk about employees concerns with the vaccine and have offered to discuss it further with factual sources, such as contacting their physician.
Avera Mother Joseph Manor
We have had a wonderful collaboration with Avera as a System and Avera LTC Pharmacy to make this possible.
Avera Sister James Care Center
We recorded a ‘Town Hall’ with the Medical Director and an OB physician. We also offered ongoing communications and education and provided additional opportunities to get the vaccine at the facility. The final push was having the vaccine be required by our organization, followed by the CMS mandate; this pushed us over that 75%.
Bethany Home Brandon

Education has been very important. Our Medical Director held a Q&A with our staff and recorded it so we could send it to our other staff members who could not attend. It focused on FAQs for the vaccine and some misinformation that had been circulating. We also share vaccine information from the CDC with staff members who have questions. Frequent follow-up with staff is also another tactic that has worked for us. Respectfully asking staff who have declined frequently has convinced them to change their minds. Leadership accepting and advocating for the vaccine has also been important. We also started a reward program that all staff are entered in based on our percentage of staff who receive the vaccine. With each new benchmark we have another drawing for a new reward. The method that has been most effective is just keeping a part of daily conversation so staff understand its importance and how it can impact our resident’s lives.
Bethel Lutheran Home

We have been very lucky and many of our staff just got the vaccine without question. Displaying facts and taking the time to talk with staff has also helped. So much false information is on all social media outlets. Its nice to get facts to people who are willing to listen.
Brookings Health System

Allowing for vaccines to be available to all eligible staff on-site at the Health System proved to be a successful approach in our vaccination efforts. Staff had the ability to receive their vaccinations on location through large employee vaccination clinics as well as monthly scheduled opportunities to meet the demand. Upon achieving a high vaccination rate and seeing the on-site demand plateau, Brookings Health System continues to highly recommend any staff, including new employees, receive the Covid-19 vaccination from any administration site.
Clarkson Health Care

Meeting the CMS goal of 75% or higher staff vaccination levels has been made possible by our dedicated staff group, who have been willing to learn about the significant benefits of the COVID vaccination, particularly in regards to how it protects our residents and us as health care professionals. We have also been well supported by our vaccine partners, who have made the process of receiving the vaccine simple and accessible for residents and staff. Ongoing education for those staff who have not yet received their COVID vaccination continues, and we continue to encourage and make available the vaccine for all staff who have not yet received it.
Dow Rummel Village
We offered continuous education to staff members on the benefits of the vaccine, as well as reminders of what pharmacies and venues are offering the vaccine. We have worked with our pharmacy to bring vaccine clinics to our facility. We have offered cash incentives and prize drawings. Dow Rummel instituted a policy that all staff had to be COVID vaccinated by a certain date or fill out the health or religious exemption forms. Communication sent out routinely to department managers asking for their help in speaking with their assigned staff members.
Faulkton Area Medical Center

I think the open communication our facility had during the pandemic helped our success rate. Faulk County was hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic; numerous hospitalizations, 4% death rate and a nursing home next to our hospital was hit hard badly by the virus. I think that with our entire facility seeing how devastating this virus was to our community led to our staff knowing that vaccination was the most successful way to battle back against COVID-19.
Good Samaritan Society - Corsica

At Good Samaritan – Corsica, we strive to provide the most up-to-date information from credible sources and we know if we continue to work as a team we can limit COVID in our building by being vaccinated. Cheers to 2022!
Good Samaritan Society - Miller

Educating staff on all the facts is important! Being open to questions and providing well-educated answers and being a support system for all employees. We have always tried to stay upbeat and positive throughout the pandemic and same goes with our vaccine efforts.
Good Samaritan Society Sioux Falls Village

We struggled with COVID in the beginning and no one wants to do that again!!! We are very persistent in education staff about all the benefits of being vaccinated! We currently have 187 employees with 77.54 percent fully vaccinated, we have 133 residents at 100% vaccinated. What has worked: upbeat encouragement from leadership, as well as peers, and then applauding those that are fully vaccinated. Education; listening to their fears and answering their questions and sharing vaccine fact sheets
Good Smartian Society - St. Martin Village
Highmore Health

We did not have any special tricks or tips that helped. The main thing we did was having all of our leaders make known that they were planning to get vaccinated during the early phases of education to staff. We started education and answered questions long before the vaccine was available to our facility. When there were concerns that were seen on social media, we presented facts from reliable sources. We weren’t pushy and made sure everyone knew they did not have to get the vaccine if they did not want it. We have an older population of employees that work here as well that were more open to getting the vaccine to protect themselves.
Kadoka Nursing Home

The COVID vaccination mandate in healthcare has created much anxiety, anger, and retention. Utilizing the resources of effectiveness and educating, using facts, have been a key factor in increasing our vaccine percentages. We felt that a “force” approach would only drive our team away. Education, choice and sharing our self-experience of being a COVID victim and a vaccinated survivor have been the key to our success in increasing our percentages.
Medicine Wheel Village

Our employees have access to Indian Health Services (IHS) Vaccinations. We offered mandatory education and work closely with Tribal Health as they continue to have vaccination clinics that our staff can obtain their COVID 19 vaccination.
Michael J Fitzmaurice Veterans Home

Continuous encouragement, posting videos on the vaccine, talking privately and in small groups about “why” to gain the vaccine and how it impacts our residents/campus/community. As the third largest employer in this community and being a state-run facility, it’s important to show progress and lead by example. We are very proud our state employees rose to this occasion and met this all so important objective!
Pioneer Memorial Nursing Home

We continued to highly encourage our employees to get vaccinated weekly in our communication flash newsletter. We made personal calls also.
Platte, Geddes & White Lake Medical Clinics Avera

All our providers were strong supporters of the vaccine. Their leadership was valuable. We have been very open in communicating about COVID throughout the pandemic and then when the vaccine was available, we continued to communicate, communicate, communicate the facts, openly and honestly. There may have been some peer pressure from staff, but that did not come from administration. Staff here are very proud that our clinics’ staffs are 100% vaccinated!
Platte Health Center

I believe that the biggest hindrance to our vaccination efforts early on was the unknown about the vaccines. Staff were provided facts about both the Moderna and Phizer vaccines prior to the vaccination clinic. We did not force anyone to receive their vaccine; we left it completely voluntary. We provided all information that we could so that our staff could make the best choice for them, their family and their community. We were also in our facility outbreak at the time the first vaccines arrived. I know the staff saw firsthand the effects of COVID-19 and I am sure that experience had in impact on their decision to get the vaccine. I personally went around to nursing staff who did not receive the vaccination and asked them their concerns of why they were not getting the vaccination. This seemed to help clear any misconceptions or questions they were having and I also had one of our providers talk to a few staff that were having questions medically wise about if they receive the vaccination.
Prairie Estates Care Center

We provided several information sessions and kept things positive. After the first group of staff received their vaccines, we gave honest feedback about the side effects we experienced and continued providing science-based information.
Prairie Lakes Healthcare

Vaccine availability and maximum availability of administration hours helped with our vaccination rates.
Prairie View Healthcare Center

Leadership buy in to the vaccination helped our organization with vaccination rates.
Riverview Healthcare Center

Staff really bought in to the idea that in getting vaccinated they were protecting not only themselves, but our residents. We were very fortunate in that so many staff were willing to participate, it shows how much they care about our facility and our community.
Rolling Hills Healthcare
The upcoming vaccine mandate has been a push for staff to get the vaccine. Most staff were hesitant and wanting to wait to see if South Dakota will ban the mandate, but when we reminded them we are funded federally, they realized the mandate will still apply to the nursing home staff.
Sanford USD Medical Center
Marketing campaigns, mass communications to dispel myths, leadership rounding within departments and hosted frequent and convenient vaccination clinics.
Sanford Vermillion Care Center
Sanford started including vaccinations as part of our new hire process in September. The vaccination is a mandatory job requirement effective 11/1/21 to protect staff and residents. Medical and religious exemptions are allowed.
Sioux Falls Specialty Hospital

Initially, we provided multiple credible sources through a facility Intranet and an e-mail that was sent to staff with multiple FAQs. We also held an Employee Forum where our medical director and infectious disease physician answered questions from employees.
Scotchman Living Center Philip Nursing Home
We have provided education to the staff and have encouraged them to receive the vaccination for their health and for their residents’ health. Our facility offers COVID leave for vaccinated employees after the vaccine injection has been received, as well as if they contract COVID.
South Dakota Human Services Center
St. William's Care Center

We strongly encouraged staff to get vaccinated to protect themselves, the residents and their families, but ultimately left the decision up to them. We had to wait until the Pfizer vaccine was available for some of our high school students.
Tieszen Memorial Home Inc.

From the beginning of vaccination talks, we have approached it as a personal decision. Our board of directors assisted by offering a financial incentive to our staff for taking the vaccination. When the state offered the $500 incentive payment for staff to watch the CMS Infection Control/COVID education, we felt the vaccination was just as important for our facility and offered the same for our staff. In addition, many of our staff were here during our outbreak and seeing what that did to our residents and facility was important. We’ve been fortunate to have so many willing to be vaccinated.
United Living Community
Wheatcrest Hills

Weskota Manor

We had COVID in our facility and staff saw firsthand what it can do. We lost 13 residents. This was very traumatic for staff. Staff had a positive attitude and were willing to get vaccine because they did not want to go through it again.
Westhills Village Care Center

Meeting the CMS goal of 75% or higher staff vaccination levels has been made possible by our dedicated staff group, who have been willing to learn about the significant benefits of the COVID vaccination, particularly in regards to how it protects our residents and us as health care professionals. We have also been well supported by our vaccine partners, who have made the process of receiving the vaccine simple and accessible for residents and staff. Ongoing education for those staff who have not yet received their COVID vaccination continues and we continue to encourage and make available the vaccine for all staff who have not yet received it.
White River Health Care Center
What has worked: politely checking with employees weekly and educating them on COVID-19 and vaccination. Barriers: misconception of COVID-19 vaccine and worried about long-term effects and fertility.
Winner Regional

The main thing that has worked for our organization is that everyone is looking forward to not having to wear a mask every day, all day at work. We are ready to see peoples smiles again!