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Health and Healthcare in Frontier Areas

Health and Healthcare in Frontier Areas

Frontier areas are the most remote and sparsely populated places along the rural-urban continuum, with residents far from healthcare, schools, grocery stores, and other necessities. Frontier is often thought of in terms of population density and distance in minutes...

Getting Through the Holidays with Alzheimer’s

Getting Through the Holidays with Alzheimer’s

The holidays are often filled with opportunities for togetherness, sharing, laughter and memories. But, the holidays can also bring stress, disappointment and sadness. The Alzheimer’s Association of Minnesota/North Dakota and South Dakota submitted this article to...

November is C.diff Awareness Month: Prevention is Key

November is C.diff Awareness Month: Prevention is Key

November is C.diff, Awareness Month and for a good reason. 29,300 people with C. diff infection die in the United States each year. One in 11 people over age 65 diagnosed with a healthcare-associated C. diff infection die within one month. What is C. diff? | CDC C....

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