seniors walking and laughing

What Can We Do to Show Support?

Stroke is a non-communicable disease that attacks millions of people worldwide every year. The World Stroke campaign aims to encourage people to understand stroke risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. The campaign also promotes healthy living and ways to recognize the warning signs of stroke and how to take action. This year the World Stroke Organization is highlighting the impact of stroke on women and steps women can take to reduce their stroke risk.

Campaign Resources

The American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association have provided a wealth of resources in honor of World Stroke Day. Access the site.
World Stroke Association Campaign Materials

Join the Great Plains QIN Efforts

Great Plains QIN is working with healthcare providers to ensure cardiac care is safe, appropriate and preventive measures are taken to get the best health outcomes possible. We hope through our efforts, individuals will receive better care, have better health outcomes and an overall better care experience. Partner with us; together, let’s make a difference. All ‘improvers’ welcome!

To get connected, join the Great Plains Learning and Action Network. It is an excellent way to access resources, materials and network with others. Join the Learning and Action Network today.

The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network has also joined the fight to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes, by 2017, through the national Million Hearts® initiative. Sign up TODAY to be One in a Million Hearts®.