Older couple talking to medical staff

Kepro is the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Organization (also referred to as a BFCC-QIO) for 29 states, including North Dakota and South Dakota. Kepro helps people who are on Medicare – and their families and caregivers – to file quality of care complaints and hospital discharge and skilled service termination appeals. They also offer Immediate Advocacy services to quickly resolve medical concerns.

Kepro is hosting a Webinar to share more about these free services for Medicare beneficiaries.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023 | 1:00 – 2:00 pm (CT)

This webinar is for healthcare provider staff working in case review and partners and stakeholders who want to learn more about Kepro’s services.

The webinar will provide basic information about the services that Kepro offers for Medicare beneficiaries:

  • Quality of care complaints
  • Appeals
  • Immediate Advocacy services

For more details or to register: www.keproqio.com/webinarregistration

The webinar will not be recorded. After the webinar, attendees will receive copies of the slides. The webinar will be hosted using the Microsoft Teams Platform. If you want to participate in the meeting, but don’t have access to Microsoft Teams, you will be able to call into the meeting.

For more information on kepro, visit their Website.

Aging Health Matters Podcast

 If you’re unable to attend the webinar, you can learn more about Kepro’s services by listening to their podcast.

  • Episode 1: Overview of Free Kepro BFCC Services for People Who Have Medicare
  • Episode 3: How Kepro’s Immediate Advocacy Services Help People Who Have Medicare
  • Episode 9: How the Appeals Medical Record Process Works

Check out the podcast: www.keproqio.com/podcast

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