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The Great Plains QIN team strives to improve healthcare quality and patient outcomes. We work with partners and community coalitions to identify areas for improvement, which include reducing avoidable hospital admissions and readmissions, including those caused by high-risk medications related to adverse drug events.

The Great Plains QIN team of data analysts created a report for North Dakota and South Dakota, which includes community-level data sets. Please take the time to review these reports to help identify opportunities for improvement, address gaps and lend to a reduction in avoidable hospital admissions/readmissions.

Community-Level Measures Includes: Nursing Home Measures Includes:
  • 30-day Hospital Readmission Rate and Trends
  • Acute Care Utilization Rate
  • Hospital Discharge Rate per Location
  • 30-Day Hospital Readmission Rate per Discharge Location
  • Top Five DRG Bundles for Admissions
  • Top Five DRG Bundles for 30-Day Readmissions
  • ED Visits among Super-Utilizers Rate.
  • 30-Day Readmissions Rate
  • Clostridioides difficile (CDI) Requiring Hospitalization (Long Stay and Short Stay)
  • Anticoagulant, Antidiabetic, or Opioid Adverse Drug Event (ADE) Hospital Encounters (Long Stay and Short Stay)
  • COVID-19, Pneumonia, Sepsis, or Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Requiring Hospitalization (Long Stay and Short Stay)
  • 30-Day Preventable ED Visits (Long Stay and Short Stay)
  • 30-Day Readmissions (Long Stay and Short Stay)


* Medicare claims fee-for-service data is the data source. These measures are not risk adjusted.