nicotine best practice brief

As healthcare providers, when counseling patients about smoking or vaping cessation, we need to emphasize the immediate health benefits an individual can experience with quitting.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after more than 20 minutes of quitting, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and after a few days, carbon monoxide levels in the blood normalize. After two weeks to three months, patients will see improved circulation and lung function. Within one year, the risk of coronary heart disease is halved.

Quitting significantly enhances mental health with reductions in depression, anxiety and stress. Patients often experience an improved mood and overall quality of life. Emerging research suggests that quitting vaping offers similar benefits, although more studies are needed to fully understand the impact. Visit the CDC Web site to learn more about the benefits of quitting.

Support is crucial for successful cessation. Utilize programs like the EX Program and the DITCHVAPE text line. These programs offer personalized quit plans, expert advice, and a supportive community, making the process more manageable.

Assess your patients with every encounter to encourage tobacco cessation and then connect them to a Quitline NDQuits or  QUIT SD in your state. 

As health care providers, your encouragement and guidance can make a significant difference in your patient’s lives. By highlighting the immediate and long-term health benefits of quitting smoking or vaping, you can motivate individuals to take the first step towards a healthier future. For more detailed information, visit the full article at the truth initiative® website.

Visit the Tobacco Prevention section of the Chronic Disease Management Initiative of our website to help with nicotine addiction. Some tools include: 

Q Tips For Your Ears Podcast Logo

Listen to our Podcast – Q-Tips For Your Ears!

The Great American Smokeout – Make a Plan to Quit Smoking: The American Cancer Society hosts the Great American Smokeout every year as an opportunity for people who smoke or use smokeless tobacco to commit to healthy, nicotine-free lives. Take a few minutes to listen and learn more.