Older Adults Stretching

National Falls Prevention Week is here; September 23 – 27, 2024. a great opportunity to offer some falls-related tips for your patients and loved ones. Falls Prevention Awareness Week reaches millions of older adults across the country with a simple message: You can take steps to prevent a fall. Access the National Council on Aging (NCOA) Falls Prevention Social Media Toolkit. for resources and materials to aid in falls prevention efforts.

There are several falls prevention initiatives underway in North Dakota and South Dakota. We recently reached out to the North Dakota State University (NDSU) team to highlight their Stepping On Program.

Stepping On Program: Making a Difference

NDSU Extension is partnering with community organizations to conduct Stepping On falls prevention workshops. Stepping On is a national evidence-based program designed to help older adults take control of their fall risks, explore coping behaviors, and use safety strategies in everyday life. Participants meet for 2 hours per week for 7 weeks, plus a 3-month follow-up session. There are 34 Stepping On certified facilitators offering workshops in North Dakota.

In 2023, 155 participants attended one of the 14 Stepping On workshops offered in the state. From the 136 evaluations returned, participants ranged in age from 64 to 98 years, with an average age of 81 years. They reported that the participants confidence in applying safe strategies in mobility situations increased by 63%. The Stepping On Program 2023 Impact Statement highlights areas of success and feedback from participants.

Access Stepping On classes on the NDC3 Web site and on the Rural Health Information Hub, under the Rural Unintentional Injury Prevention Tab.

Highlighting A Champion Organization: The Gains are Priceless

We had the opportunity to connect with Nancy Bryn, RN, BSN; First District Health Unit (FDHU). Nancy and her colleagues at the First District Health Unit have served as a champion organization for the Stepping On program. FDHU has made falls prevention a priority and has invested in getting staff from each county trained as certified facilitators for the program. Nancy provided the following responses on her involvement in the program and the overall benefit for her team and those they serve.

Q. How did you get involved in the Stepping On Program? 

“A former McHenry County Extension Agent approached me to see if I would be willing to co-facilitate the Stepping On Program with her. I had no idea what the program was. When she explained that it is an evidence-based falls prevention program that has been shown to reduce falls by 30%, I approached my supervisor to see if I could do this. After some persuasion, I was given permission to become a facilitator. Once I started facilitating the class, I realized how important it is and really came to love it. Jane Strommen, NDSU, later reached out to me to see if I would be willing to become a Master Trainer, meaning I would help train other people how to facilitate the Stepping On program in their areas. I was able to facilitate that class in November 2023.”

Q. What have you personally gained (personal benefit) from being part of the program? 

“Well, I never like admitting this, but I have had a few falls of my own in the past that resulted in some injuries! Since becoming a Stepping On facilitator, I am much more aware of things around me and I believe my strength, balance, and recognition of fall risks has improved. And, knock on wood here, I have not had an injury since! Also, it is rewarding to watch the participants gain confidence, strength, balance, and knowledge throughout the 7-week workshop.”

Q. What do you see as the greatest benefit of the Stepping On program for participants?

“It is so awesome to watch the change in participants from Session 1 to Session 7! The progress they make in doing the exercises is incredible! It is so fun to see their confidence level increase from week to week. Also, we have guest experts who come in during different sessions – a physical or occupational therapist comes 3 times, a medication expert, a vision expert, and a community safety expert each come one time. The knowledge and/or reminders participants say they gain during these sessions is priceless.

In 2020, falls were the leading cause of unintentional injury deaths in individuals over the age of 65 in North Dakota. The number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations due to falls shows the need for fall prevention efforts. From 2016 through 2020, an average of 92 ND residents died each year due to falls and a little over half of those falls took place at home. We need to do all we can to prevent falls from occurring!”

Q. Any personal success stories/examples that you are willing to share?

“I have had participants thank me for offering the Stepping On class. They have told me how much more confident they are going out and about after being a part of the Stepping On class because they have noticed an improvement in their strength and balance! How awesome is that?”

For more information on the Stepping On Program, contact Jane Strommen or to learn more about efforts of the First District Health Unit, contact Nancy Bryn.

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Keep You On Your Feet – Preventing Falls: Many people just assume falls are a normal part of aging – and they are NOT. There are actions older adults can take to keep on their feet to stay healthy and independent longer. Listen to this podcast episode to learn more.