Congratulations to Stacie Fredenburg, Quality Improvement Advisor for the South Dakota Foundation for Medical Care for being the 2021 South Dakota Association for Healthcare Quality (SDAHQ) Professional of the Year recipient. Stacie serves as the lead for the four Great Plains Quality Innovation Network community coalitions in South Dakota. She has been integral in connecting multiple partners and stakeholders across the state to discuss key healthcare topics and to share best practices.
“Her passion for quality improvement is infectious and her leadership is second to none.” – Nancy McDonald, SDAHQ
Fredenburg became a member of SDAHQ and hopped right in with both feet, taking on the secretary-elect role to fill a vacancy. Sharing SDAHQ’s focus on positive health outcomes, Stacie actively engaged in collaborating with other entities across the state to connect resources and unite around a common goal. With over 20 years in health promotion and education, she used those skills to enhance awareness campaigns and promote initiatives through education and resources for healthcare professionals.
Starting her career with the Community Healthcare Association of the Dakotas (CHAD), the primary care association for North and South Dakota, Stacie spent 17 years promoting primary and preventive care with a focus on rural and underserved populations. She also served as a health systems manager in primary care for the American Cancer Society, where she credits learning and developing a passion for Quality Improvement. Stacie has led a variety of tasks groups, served as a grant reviewer, and completed a collection of intensive training sessions, including Leadership & Organizing in Action.
Stacie is a North Dakota native and moved to the Rushmore state to attend the University of Sioux Falls, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in mass communications. Stacie looks back on this past year and recognizes the challenges so many faced, but also recognizes the positives. “Throughout this past year, everyone came together. We realized how much we need each other. It is amazing what we can accomplish when we lift each other up through the struggle. It’s impressive to see the comradery in the healthcare industry and among our peers to improve the quality of life for the people they serve,” Fredenburg added.
When Stacie is not working, she and her husband, a teacher, and head football coach in Sioux Falls, stay busy with their children’s sports and activities and enjoy being active outdoors.