Project ECHO COVID-19 Global Conversations
November 30, 2020 | 9:00 a.m. (CT)
Managing Stress and Burnout during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Healthcare workers around the globe working to combat COVID-19 and thinking deeply about how to create a new normal as we move forward. Healthcare workers are particularly vulnerable to burnout and increased stress. This session addresses:
• Impact of COVID-19 on mental health
• Managing burnout for healthcare employees
• Individual practices to promote resiliency
The session will include didactic presentations and Q & A. Click here to view the agenda.
Jeff Katzman, MD
Vice Chair of Clinical and Academic Affairs; University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Upon completing the registration form, a unique Zoom link for the session will be set to you in your confirmation email. Please save the link with your calendar invite.
Upcoming ECHO Series Events
Monday, December 7, 2020 | How Science has drive the Response to COVID-19
Monday, December 14, 2020 | Global Successes in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Tips For Managers Addressing Burnout
As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Burnout is specific to the workplace and there are three primary signs of burnout: exhaustion, personal efficacy and cynicism. It is important now more than ever to discuss the signs of burnout and solutions with your employees so they can identify issues when they come up and find ways to help you support them. Here are seven tips to help engage your employees in a conversation about burnout:
- Check-in regularly. If you don’t already, make a habit of checking in regularly. It will help you build a relationship where an employee can feel comfortable about sharing
- Ask appropriate open-ended questions. If you don’t know where to start, try, “I wanted to check-in. How are you doing?
- Actively listen with your complete attention to your employee and resist the urge to think about how you should respond next or offer advice
- Recognize their feelings and express your understanding back to them.
- Offer support. Ask them what they need to help them feel better or encourage them to check out the employer’s resources
- Be aware of your own stress, feelings, or thoughts that might be a barrier to being supportive. When we’re stressed out, we often can’t give others the attention they need. But attending to the situation for even 5 minutes can make a big difference
- Understand that mental illnesses are just like physical health problems. They can have flare ups that require attention but having a mental illness doesn’t reflect a person’s character or some unchangeable quality.
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Upon completing the registration form, a unique Zoom link for the session will be set to you in your confirmation email. Please save the link with your calendar invite.