Online Meeting

The American Hospital Association (AHA) and partners are recruiting for the next iteration of an online community of healthcare organizations dedicated to practicing an “age-friendly” framework for long-term care. A major goal of the initiative is to help foster dialogue between providers so they are able to stay abreast of current shifts in technology and healthcare market trends.

This will be the fifth cohort of the group, titled the Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community, and will include individuals from almost all senior living and care settings — at no cost to the participants. Members of the community will have access to monthly webinars, coaching and the ability to connect with healthcare experts and peers online.

There is no cost to join. Participants will have access to monthly webinars, valuable resources and one-to-one coaching.

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“Older adults are living and working longer than any time in our history, redefining what life’s later stages look like,” said Rick Pollack, CEO of AHA, in a recent statement. “Hospitals and health systems want to be full partners in this promising evolution, doing all they can to ensure the ‘golden’ years are just that, marked by good health and the ability to enjoy life.”

4Ms Model of Care ImageThe four tenets of the “Age Friendly Health Systems” model:

  1. Knowing “what matters” for individual residents/patients, whether it is to prevent cognitive decline or to facilitate end-of-life care.
  2. Managing medications so they achieve health goals, rather than merely pacifying or incapacitating someone.
  3. Mentation, or treating depression, dementia and delirium.
  4. Ensuring that older adults have full mobility of movement, to the extent that is possible.


Tammy Baumann Headshot

“We all deserve health care that meets our unique goals and care preferences as we age. When reviewing the other ‘Ms’ (Medication, Mentation and Mobility), decisions always come back to ‘What Matters’ to the individual. Age Friendly is evidence- based and allows for the person to make their own healthcare decisions, the ones that matter to them. Asking the right questions and then identifying ‘what matters’ drives EVERYTHING you do in Age Friendly Health.” Tammy Wagner RN, LSSGB


The initiative is a collaboration between the American Hospital Association, the John A. Hartford Foundation and the Catholic Health Association of the United States. For questions or additional information, email