sore chest (2)

A new study has uncovered a startling connection between influenza and heart attacks. Researchers found that people who contract the flu face a significantly heightened risk of experiencing a heart attack, particularly within the first week of illness.

Surprisingly, the study revealed that individuals without a pre-existing history of heart disease are at the highest risk. This unexpected finding challenges previous assumptions about who is most vulnerable to flu-related heart complications. Experts believe that influenza triggers many of harmful effects, including inflammation and blood clot formation, placing immense stress on the heart.

To combat this serious health threat, researchers emphasize the critical importance of annual flu vaccination for everyone, regardless of overall health. Additionally, they are investigating the potential benefits of short-term anticoagulant treatment for patients with severe influenza infections to help prevent heart attacks. These findings illustrate the need for broader public health measures to address the influenza epidemic and its potentially devastating consequences.

Access the Medscape article for more information.

Source: Flu and MI Risk: A Sixfold Increase, More If No CVD History; Medscape – July 18, 2024

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