Falls Prevention Awareness Week

Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) falls in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Falls are not a normal part of aging, and yet, falls remain the leading cause of serious injuries and death for older adults. The good news is they are preventable and there are proven steps individuals can take to reduce their risk.

Falls Prevention Awareness Week – September 23 – 27, 2024 – is a time for healthcare professionals to reinforce the importance of preventing falls, especially among vulnerable populations. By educating patients and their families, providing appropriate care, and advocating for safety measures, the provider community can play a significant role in reducing the risk of falls and their associated injuries. Access the Falls Prevention Awareness Week Toolkit to share additional resources with your patients or loved ones.

Key Roles of Healthcare Professionals:Falls prevention week
Conduct comprehensive fall risk assessments to identify patients at risk. Falls Free CheckUp: an individual answers 13 simple questions to get the falls risk score and resources to prevent falls.

Additional Patient Resources:

Educate patients and their families about fall prevention strategies, including home safety measures, exercise recommendations, and medication management. For additional resources, visit the National Council of Aging Falls Prevention Page.

By staying informed about the latest fall prevention strategies and best practices, healthcare professionals can make a significant difference in improving patient safety and reducing the burden of fall-related injuries. #FallsFree #FallsPreventionAwarenessWeek

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Keep You On Your Feet – Preventing Falls: Many people just assume falls are a normal part of aging – and they are NOT. There are actions older adults can take to keep on their feet to stay healthy and independent longer. Listen to this podcast episode to learn more.