Individuals with prediabetes can take action to improve their health and prevent diabetes. Unfortunately, almost 75% of people with prediabetes are unaware of their risk. The American Diabetes Association works to ring the alarm on the diabetes epidemic by promoting Diabetes Awareness Month every November.
“The risk factors for Type 2 diabetes are not just a risk for diabetes, but other chronic diseases. By helping individuals realize their risk and guiding them to personalized support, we can reduce chronic disease and improve lives!” declared Kayla Magee, RN, diabetes prevention and control program coordinator for the South Dakota Department of Health (DOH). “Individuals can take the diabetes risk test, receive their risk score and learn about taking the next steps to undo that risk by making lifestyle changes: eating healthier, exercising and losing weight.”
Lifestyle changes are the key to undo the risk for diabetes and other chronic health conditions. Change is often a challenge, but individuals who joined a National Diabetes Prevention Program succeeded in reducing their risk for diabetes by 58 percent. Individuals can use the Undo the Risk website to find a program at different facilities across the state or online.
Magee explained the value of the DOH’s ongoing awareness effort. “The Undo The Risk Campaign shows comical and relatable videos of events that individuals wish they could UNDO while emphasizing that individuals with prediabetes CAN undo their risk. These videos have been viewed over 45,000 times and the online risk test has been completed more than 4,700 times, with 43% of people scoring high risk.”
In addition to the videos, the campaign site boasts a providers’ section complete with education, referral resources, toolkits and implementation guides. Development of a new diabetes strategic plan is underway as the DOH collaborates with partners to better tackle the rise in diabetes.