Hand writing Diabetes with blue marker on transparent wipe board.

We are reaching out in partnership and to support the Helpline Center in South Dakota. The Helpline Center is providing services in your community via 211. It is a free, 3-digit number people can call 24/7 for any kind of non-profit, social service, government and even some for-profit organizational information. 211 staff provide information and referrals to those programs or agencies. Learn more.

It was recently determined there is a good portion of diabetes related services missing from the Resource Database. If you are an organization that offers diabetes-related services, the Helpline Center would like to get your program/agency listed so when individuals needing these services can be connected to your organization.

It is free to be listed. The only requirement is an annual update (so that the information always remains accurate). The intake is online at www.helplinecenter.org/211intake.

If you have questions or would like additional information, contact the Helpline Center.