
We are helping our partner, Dakota Geriatrics, by promoting educational offerings and training opportunities highlighted below. All opportunities, upcoming conferences and past events can be accessed by going to the Dakota Geriatrics website.

Learn Geriatrics Through Telementoring 

ECHO Geriatrics
Meet monthly with Geriatric content experts via Zoom meetings to review case reports and up-to-date best practices in older adult healthcare. Free registration and CEUs. Upcoming and archived sessions available here

Interprofessional Geriatric Webinars
Monthly webinars on chronic disease management in older adults geared towards an interprofessional healthcare audience. Free registration and CEUs. Upcoming and archived sessions available here.

Symposium on Dementia Friendly Healthcare and Community

This 4th annual virtual symposium is a FREE learning opportunity for providers, healthcare professionals, and community workers with national experts on dementia practices. Taking place June 7, 2023. Register here.

  • Assess and manage cognitive impairment
  • Recognize and treat social issues among patients with dementia
  • Address caregiver issues and education

On-Demand Geriatrics Curriculum

Become a Gerochampion by learning evidence—based Geriatric principles of health care through self-paced microlectures. Access training here.

Age-Friendly Healthcare Microlearning
Transform your clinical practice into Age Friendly Healthcare and learn how to apply the Geriatric 4Ms to achieve higher quality health care for older adults. Access the curriculum here.

LTC Curriculum for Nursing (Microlearning)
A Curriculum for All Levels of Nurses, Trainees and Qualified Service Providers for better care of older adults. Details to enroll are available here.

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University of North Dakota and Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program