
Is your organization meeting the National CLAS Standard 5?

Standard 5 | Offer language assistance to individuals who have limited English proficiency and/or other communication needs, at no cost to them, to facilitate timely access to all health care and services.

Purpose | Standard 5 helps to ensure that individuals with limited English proficiency and/or other communication needs have equitable access to health services; helps individuals understand their care and service options and participate in decisions regarding their health and healthcare; increases individuals’ satisfaction and adherence to care and services; improves patient safety and reduce medical errors related to miscommunication; helps organizations comply with requirements such as Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; and other relevant federal, state, and local requirements to which they may need to adhere.    

Strategies for Achievement | Examples of Strategies:

  • Use qualified and trained interpreters to facilitate communication (Wilson-Stronks & Galvez, 2007), including ensuring the quality of the language skills of self-reported bilingual staff who use their non-English language skills during patient encounters
  • Develop processes for identifying the language(s) an individual speaks (e.g., language identification flash cards or “I speak” cards) and for adding this information to that person’s health record

For additional strategies, see “The Blueprint an implementation guide to help you advance and sustain CLAS within your organization. 

The Checklist | Work with your team to complete this Implementation Checklist for the National CLAS Standards to find areas of opportunity and create your CLAS Action Worksheet!

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The Great Plains QIN team developed a simple video to outline the National CLAS Standard 5. If you have questions or would like technical assistance on how to implement the National CLAS Standards, contact a member of the Great Plains QIN Team. 

Information adapted from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Healthcare: Access the Blueprint for Advancing and Sustaining CLAS Policy and Practice.