The CDC’s data tracker compiles data from healthcare facilities and public health authorities. It updates daily to report the total number of COVID-19 vaccines that have been distributed to each state and the total number each state has administered.
As of January 8, a total of 22,137,350 vaccine doses have been distributed in the United States and 6,688,231 have been administered, or 30.21 percent. That means about 2.04 percent of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. In the most recent Becker’s Hospital Review, North Dakota was in the number 2 spot with 29, 954 doses administered; 69 percent of vaccines that had been administered. South Dakota has earned a third spot with 36,890 doses administered; 54 percent of distributed vaccines that had been administered.
2. North Dakota
Doses distributed to state: 43,950
Doses administered: 29,954
Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 68.15
3. South Dakota
Doses distributed to state: 67,925
Doses administered: 36,890
Percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered: 54.31
The North Dakota Department of Health offers a COVID-19 dashboard which offers daily vaccine doses administered and weekly vaccine coverage for the state.
Visit the South Dakota Department of Health Web site for COVID-19 vaccine providers by county.