
Research shows that healthcare is safest when it’s provided by teams that work well together. 

A recent AHRQ blog post discussed the need to remain focused on patient safety to avoid errors during times of fatigue and stress and crisis like we are now experiencing with COVID-19.  TeamSTEPPS (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety) is one such resource the encourages interdisciplinary teamwork. TeamSTEPPS is designed to help healthcare professionals improve patient safety and quality through effective communication and teamwork skills.

Krystal Hays

Communication challenges are a common factor in many different types of patient safety events. TeamSTEPPS communication tools offer a structured format that can be used in any setting or situation to effectively communicate critical information with the team or individuals to provide safe, high quality patient care,” stated Krystal Hays, DNP, RN, CADDCT, RAC-CT; Great Plains QIN Regional Project Manager.


TeamSTEPPS was developed nearly 15 years ago by AHRQ and the Department of Defense. A variety of trainings and resources are available, including a TeamSTEPPS Pocket Guide App.