A Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization

Implementing data-driven initiatives to improve healthcare quality

What We Do

As the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) for the Dakotas, we lead the Great Plains Quality Care Coalition. Individuals receiving care, community leaders and healthcare professionals are at the table; working together to improve care by making it more accessible, safer and more affordable. Our team of quality experts offer technical assistance and share best practices, data and tools. Education and trainings are offered. We utilize data to drive improvement. The goal is to make care in our communities and healthcare organizations even better.

We are proud of our work, thankful for our partnerships and will continue to strive to make healthcare in our region the best in the nation. At Great Plains QIN, we are fortunate to have a solid team of qualified and committed individuals. We could not achieve these goals without a shared commitment to excellence from our partners; healthcare providers and community-based organizations in our region.


QII Referrals

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has authorized Great Plains Quality Innovation Network to provide technical assistance to healthcare providers and practitioners in all care settings to improve the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries in North Dakota and South Dakota. This technical assistance may include provider and practitioner education and assistance with development of a Quality Improvement Initiative (QII).

A QII is any formal activity designed to support quality improvement efforts through the use of proven methodologies.

The opportunity for a QII can come from a variety of sources, including a referral from the Beneficiary and Family Centered Care (BFCC) Quality Improvement Organizations (QIOs). Below is contact information for Acentra Health (formerly KEPRO), the BFCC QIO for both North Dakota and South Dakota.

Acentra Health BFCC QIO (formerly KEPRO)
North Dakota and South Dakota [Region 8] 888/317-0891
Visit the Acentra Health Web site

Great Plains Quality Care Coalition

Our Vision: Through collaboration and partnership, we aspire to make healthcare in the Dakotas the best in the nation. We have partnered with committed nursing homes, community leaders and healthcare organizations to improve the care in our communities. Better together.