Stop smoking written on a calendar

Each state offers a quitline with counselors who are trained specifically to help smokers and tobacco users quit. Individuals who are seeking help in quitting tobacco can call these quitlines to speak to an expert who will offer help and support. Below are the quitlines for each of the GPQIN states along with some additional information. Thanks for your help in sharing this information with those who would benefit from this service.

Kansas (KanQuit):

KanQuit understands that quitting is about more than just not smoking. When you join our program, a Quit Coach® will help you become an expert in living without tobacco using “The 4 Essential Practices to Quit For Life,” principles based on 25 years of research and experience helping people quit tobacco.

Nebraska Tobacco Quitline:

Beginning June 20, the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline will provide a four-week supply of over-the-counter nicotine replacement aids (one of the following: gum, patches or lozenges) to any uninsured individual over the age of 18 who is ready to quit tobacco and registers with the Quitline while supplies last. To take advantage of this two-week pilot project, tobacco users must enroll in the Nebraska Tobacco Quitline with a trained coach between June 20 and July 1 and be medically eligible to receive the free medication. Medicaid recipients are not eligible since they are already eligible for a 90-day supply of prescription nicotine replacement therapy at a very low cost. Individuals with private insurance should contact their insurance providers about their cessation benefit. This pilot project coincides with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Tips From Former Smokers national tobacco education campaign that will encourage smokers to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free help getting medications and quit assistance.

North Dakota (NDQuits):

There is more than one way to quit tobacco. No single method of quitting works for everyone. NDQuits offers several free options so you can find the way that works best for you. All NDQuits services include free counseling, advice and support and free nicotine replacement products for those who qualify.

South Dakota QuitLine:

If you are ready to quit, thinking about quitting, or know someone who wants to quit… we’re ready to help. The South Dakota QuitLine offers services designed to help you kick the habit for good. This website has been designed as a resource to help you quit and stay quit. All you have to do is call the QuitLine, or you can “click” and we’ll call you! It’s that easy and it’s free!

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