native american in nursing home

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) and Division of Tribal Affairs (DTA) recently shared the newly updated Coverage to Care (C2C) Roadmap to Better Care: Tribal Version, to better address the specific health needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives.

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Additions to this resource include:

  • New introduction, which details the unique health protections in place for American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • Updated glossary of terms
  • Important links and contact information for American Indians and Alaska Natives
  • Updated imagery to enhance connection and inclusivity

Understanding health coverage doesn’t have to be overwhelming and confusing. The C2C Roadmap to Better Care: Tribal Version can help consumers navigate their coverage and access the primary care and preventive services they need to achieve their optimal health.

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Coverage To Care (C2C): C2C is an initiative, developed by CMS, to help individuals understand their health coverage and connect them to primary care and preventive services that are right for them, so they can live a long and healthy life. Take a few minutes to listen and learn more.