deciding medication

Medication error procedures in healthcare facilities are critical for ensuring patient safety. According to the National Library of Medicine, 7,000 to 9,000 people die due to a medication error. Therefore, it is crucial to follow and adhere to medication prescribing guidelines.

General guidelines that are commonly followed: 

  1. Identification: The first step is to recognize and identify the error
  2. Reporting: The error should be reported immediately according to the facility’s reporting system
  3. Assessment: Evaluate the potential impact of the error on the patient
  4. Intervention: Take appropriate steps to mitigate any harm to the patient
  5. Documentation: Document the error and the steps taken in response to it
  6. Review: Analyze the error to understand how and why it occurred
  7. Prevention: Implement changes to prevent similar errors in the future

Facilities often have systems in place to promote a culture of safety, such as: 

  • Education and Training: Regular training sessions for staff on safe medication practices
  • Double Checks: Independent double checks by another healthcare professional
  • Standardized Procedures: Following standardized protocols for prescribing, dispensing, and administering medications
  • Communication: Keeping clear and open lines of communication among healthcare providers
  • Reporting Systems: Encouraging the reporting of medication errors to learn from them without fear of blame

It’s important to follow the “five rights” of medication administration: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time. Additionally, healthcare organizations may implement technology solutions, like computerized order entry systems, barcoding for medication administration, and medication reconciliation processes to reduce errors. 

If you’re looking for the specific procedure of a particular facility, it’s be best to consult your facility’s policy manual or contact your quality assurance or risk management department. Remember, the goal is always to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. 

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