medication in a weekly pill box

The Washington Post published an article on July 13, 2015, reporting from 2011 to 2014, “at least 165 nursing home residents were hospitalized or died after errors involving Coumadin (warfarin).” ProPublica retrieved this information from government inspection reports. Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services identified Coumadin and other anticoagulants as one of the drug categories most frequently implicated in “Adverse Drug Events (ADEs),” calling on government agencies to work on solutions.

The Great Plains Quality Innovation Network is collaborating in communities across Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota to reduce and monitor ADE rates to make care safer for patients. To accomplish this work, we are partnering with providers, pharmacists and stakeholders to target Fee-for-Service Medicare consumers taking three or more medications including at least one of these high-risk medications: anticoagulants, diabetic agents and/or opioids.

Click here to learn how you can join the Great Plains Quality Innovation Network Learning and Action Network and become involved in reducing ADEs in your community.