Elderly couple conversation with case worker

Your help is needed! Honoring Choices® North Dakota (HCND) is still in need of educating and implementing additional Advance Care Planning (ACP) facilitators throughout North Dakota. Under a grant from the ND Cancer Coalition, this ACP training is designed to help participants learn the skills needed to facilitate advance care planning discussions with any adult across the health/disease trajectory.

If you are an interested healthcare professional and could assist with ACP facilitation with patients living with cancer, please complete this form and/or share it with others who might be interested.

Becoming certified is a three-part commitment. Part I is a self-study that must be completed prior to attending one of the two remaining virtual training sessions. Part II includes attendance at one of the training sessions (dates below):

  • Tuesday, March 15, 2022 | 8 am – 10am
  • Tuesday, April 19, 2022 | 8 am – 10am

Part III is to commit to having at least two conversations with an individual or family member dealing with cancer; the conversation can be short and simple; utilizing the tools and ideas presented through the training course.

Register Today.

Nancy Joyner, RN, MS, APRN-CNS, ACHPN® is a Palliative Care Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS), past certified First Steps® Facilitator Instructor through Respecting Choices®, Ambassador, Serious Illness Program- Ariadne Labs.
Sara Schwarz, MA, Chaplain, past certified First Steps® Facilitator Instructor through Respecting Choices®

Honoring Choices North Dakota is offering 4 free CEs: 2 hours of self-study before attending one of the two remaining free virtual sessions to become certified.  After the grant ends, there will be a cost for this education and certification.

Current ACP facilitators throughout the state are invited to participate as well. Access the full schedule of ACP facilitator courses.
In addition to ACP training and practice, additional materials are available for all healthcare professionals on the Honoring Choices website

Questions? Contact:
Nancy Joyner, MS, CNS-BC, APRN, ACHPN® at nancy.joyner@honoringchoicesnd.org
Rev. Sara Schwarz, MA at sara.schwarz@honoringchoicesnd.org