Arms Holding Text Vaccination

Monday, December 7, 2020 from 1 – 2 pm CT

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be important for all individuals, especially those at high-risk, to receive an annual influenza vaccination. Influenza vaccination will be a critical strategy to decrease stress on our healthcare system, by decreasing influenza-related doctor visits and hospitalizations, as well as decreasing the number of people who will need influenza diagnostic testing.

Typically, influenza vaccination rates decline drastically by late November. However, this year, there will be an additional 9.3 million federally-funded late-season adult influenza vaccine doses available in November, December, and January. As long as flu viruses are spreading and causing illness, vaccination should continue throughout flu season in order to protect as many people as possible against flu. CDC guidance is in place for how to safely administer vaccine doses during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

You may already be recommending flu vaccine to your patients, but in this webinar, you’ll learn the benefits of vaccination through the holiday season and beyond, and how to safely administer the vaccine during the COVID-19 pandemic.


  • ​Describe the importance of influenza vaccination
  • Discuss benefits of late-season vaccination
  • Identify strategies for distribution to vulnerable populations
  • Describe CDC’s guidance for flu vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic


  • ​CAPT Amy Parker Fiebelkorn, MSN, MPH  –​ Epidemiologist, Immunization Services Division, CDC/NCIRD
  • Kathleen LaPorte, MPH – Health Communication Specialist, Influenza Division, CDC/NCIRD

The webinar is free and open to all – but registration is required.