As a healthcare professional, your strong recommendation is a critical factor that affects whether your patients get an influenza vaccine. Most adults believe vaccines are important, but they need a reminder from you to get vaccinated.
It is necessary for some patients to receive a strong recommendation from their provider. CDC suggests using the SHARE method to make a strong vaccine recommendation and provide important information to help patients make informed decisions about vaccinations:
SHARE the reasons why the influenza vaccine is right for the patient given his or her age, health status, lifestyle, occupation, or other risk factors.
HIGHLIGHT positive experiences with influenza vaccines (personal or in your practice), as appropriate, to reinforce the benefits and strengthen confidence in influenza vaccination.
ADDRESS patient questions and any concerns about the influenza vaccine, including side effects, safety and vaccine effectiveness in plain and understandable language.
REMIND patients that influenza vaccines protect them and their loved ones from serious influenza illness and influenza-related complications.
EXPLAIN the potential costs of getting influenza, including serious health effects, time lost (such as missing work or family obligations) and financial costs.
Visit the CDC Web site for information, resources and tools to help:
- Equip you to make strong influenza vaccine recommendations
- Facilitate productive conversations with your patients
- Improve your influenza vaccination rates
Review the 2019-2020 Flu Season ACIP Recommendations. Learn More.
Follow up with each patient during subsequent appointments to ensure the patient received an influenza vaccine. If the patient still is unvaccinated, repeat the recommendation to try to identify and address any questions or concerns.
Great Plains QIN is actively working with providers, patients, partners and stakeholders to implement best practices to increase immunization rates for influenza, pneumococcal disease and herpes zoster. We offer a wealth of free evidence-based resources, best practices, guidelines and tools to break down barriers to care for disparate populations. We have also convened a Learning and Action Network (LAN) to give providers, community organizations and patients the opportunity to share and learn. Together, we play an important role in helping to educate patients about immunization recommendations. Join our Learning and Action Network today.