
The opioid epidemic refers to the widespread misuse of both prescription and non-prescription opioid drugs in the United States and other countries. This crisis has led to a significant increase in opioid overdoses and deaths, along with profound social and economic consequences.

The Dakotas are impacted by this epidemic. North Dakota and South Dakota are both higher than the national average for opioid adverse drug events (ADEs), including deaths for high-risk patients. Increasingly, older adults are being admitted to the nursing home addicted to opioids; which may lead to falls, memory loss, confusion/delirium, loss of consciousness and/or increased hospitalizations to name just a few.

Opioids in ND and SD

Ensuring Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) Treatment through the Care Continuum Webinar Seriesmedication

Two sessions of this MOUD series focused on navigating opioid use disorder in long-term care facilities. Dr. Jean Storm shares how nursing homes must be ready for residents who are on Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) as well as those addicted, but not yet on a MOUD.

Navigating Opioid Use Disorder in Long-Term Care Facilities

Part I: Recording | Presentation
Part II: Recording | Presentation


This Series was a collaboration of all of the Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organizations hosted a Webinar Series offering strategies, interventions and targeted solutions to ensure access to MOUD treatment and facilitate the continuity of care through the continuum. This series’ focus was ensuring MOUD treatment within nursing home and hospital care transitions, but was appropriate for all care settings. Access the MOUD Series, including presentations and recordings.

The regular review of opioid and ADE data is a critical component of maintaining high standards of care, ensuring patient safety, and complying with regulatory requirements. We encourage your leadership and/or quality improvement team to review data and trend opioid ADEs in your facility and also review data for anticoagulants and antidiabetics; the other two high risk medications.

Listen to our Podcast: Q-Tips For Your Ears!Q Tips For Your Ears Podcast Logo

The Truth About Opioids: Opioids are medications prescribed by providers to treat persistent or severe pain. More than two million Americans misuse opioids and more than 90 Americans die every day from opioid overdose. Who is impacted and what can you or your community do to help reduce opioid misuse? Take a few minutes to listen and learn more.


Access the Great Plains QIN Focus 4 Health Series!

Friday Focus GearsStrategies for Opioid Misuse

Adverse Drug Events

  • Strategies to Prevent Adverse Drug Events: Recording
  • Tactics to Reduce ADE’s with Prescribing & Transcribing of Medications: Recording
  • Dispensing and Administration: Recording
  • How Care Coordination Can Help in Preventing ADE’s: Recording