Thinking/ Idea

The North Dakota State University Center for Immunization Research and Education (CIRE) is now officially offering enduring CME credit for individuals who watch the recordings of their monthly webinars.

Education is intended for healthcare providers, clinic staff, and local public health unit staff. The recording of these presentations are free and available to everyone and participants who have watched the full recording and completed the pre- and post-training quizzes are eligible to claim 1 free continuing education credit for each presentation.

Available CME Opportunities:

RSV Across the Ages⇒ RSV Across the Ages: Immunizations to Protect Older Adults, Infants, and Young Children

Drs. Skoy and Newman reviewed respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunization products, which populations they are recommended for, and their real-world effectiveness data. Presented on August 19th and 20th. 



⇒ “No Thanks, Doc”: Tools to Improve Difficult Conversations in the Medical Encounter

No Thanks Doc Webinar ImageIn this session, Dr. Bakke introduced the history of the vaccine hesitancy movement, provided strategies for building trust with hesitant patients, and examined case examples of conversations in the medical encounter. Presented on July 31st and August 1st.

Learn More About CME Opportunities


Learn more about Continuing Pharmacy Education opportunities.

For questions, contact Webinars will be recorded and available on the CIRE’s YouTube page for credit until June 2025.

CD CIRE Program LogoThe Center for Immunization Research and Education addresses trends in vaccine coverage through research and education and finds ways to improve vaccine acceptance and immunization rates in both children and adults. The goal is to have no one in our region suffer from a vaccine-preventable disease. ​Learn more.