
National Cholesterol Education Month raises awareness about high blood cholesterol, a serious condition that affects over 71 million Americans and increases the risk of developing heart disease. It is also an opportunity to encourage people to get their blood cholesterol checked and take steps to lower it if it is high. During the month of September, we can help others learn about food and lifestyle choices to help them reach personal cholesterol goals.

During the month of September, let’s show our support of the Million Hearts™ campaign goal to prevent one million heart attacks and strokes by 2017.

We have included resources and posters you can use to promote healthy living below:

You can print these posters to hang in your facility for patient awareness:

Share the following e-cards to raise awareness of high cholesterol and to spread prevention tips:

ABCs of Heart Health
Healthy Habits

Circulate the YouTube video, “Health Tips to Control Cholesterol,” to partners, stakeholders and staff. You can also post the video on your organization’s website and share on social media to spread the word about how to manage and control high cholesterol.

Information about cardiovascular screenings that check cholesterol and lipid levels

Information about cardiovascular disease (behavioral therapy)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cholesterol resources

Million Hearts™ heart health resources

American Heart Association (AHA) cholesterol resources

Let’s work together to empower individuals to make heart-healthy choices. For more information on our efforts to improve cardiac health through partnerships, resources, education and shared learning, visit our Web site. Be sure to join our Learning and Action Network to get involved and connected.