Couple dancing

The National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP) is engaging state and community leaders to document and share successful physical activity and chronic disease plans across the nation. This catalog of plans will contribute to the unified effort needed to achieve their vision that “one day, all Americans will be physically active, and they will live, work and play in environments that encourage and support regular physical activity.”

This new state-focused initiative, led by Bill Kohl, PhD, MSPH and Eloise Elliot, PhD, will capture and examine state-level physical activity plans, as well as broader chronic disease or obesity plans that contain physical activity strategies. Supporting states with ongoing development and implementation of comprehensive physical activity strategic plans was made a priority in the latest version of the NPAP.

Many health issues, including cardiac health, diabetes and cancer prevention can be managed with lifestyle changes, including physical activity. Behavior change can be difficult and creating environments that promote activity is a benefit to individuals, employers and the community as a whole.

Full details of the NPAP plan, including content for over 25 tactics with information on state-level activities are available on the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion website. In addition, a State Liaison Network was developed to enhance the impact of the NPAP at the state level and assist state and national partners by maintaining a pulse on local activities.

For more information on strategies to improve health outcomes for cardiac care, diabetes and cancer prevention, contact the Great Plains Quality Innovation Network staff member in your state.