large group of people, diverse

If you search the term, “stewardship” online, you will find a definition that states, “the job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property”.

When we think of antibiotic stewardship, we often assume the obligation is in the hands of those in the medical field, such as physicians, pharmacists and nurses. However, each and every person, including parents, caregivers and livestock owners have  a role in good stewardship of antibiotics.

Today, substantial commitments are being made to implement and expand antibiotic stewardship initiatives, as part of Infection Prevention and Control Programs, across healthcare settings. Since antibiotics are a shared resource, not only are Antibiotic Stewardship Programs important in healthcare settings, but every individual in the community has a role with antibiotic stewardship and should consider the impact of each prescription or use of antibiotics.

Communities are encouraged to work toward stewardship interventions to ensure that everyone who is getting an antibiotic prescription gets the right antibiotic at the right time for the right duration. It is also important that antibiotics are not being prescribed when not indicated.

Antibiotic Awareness Week is November 13-19, 2017; a perfect time to draw attention to this important issue. There are many ways to raise awareness and show support:

  • Highlight Antibiotic Awareness Week on your website, Facebook page, employee newsletters and local community newspapers using these promotional materials.
  • Seek coordination among healthcare facilities within the community, including patients, administrators and pharmacies to promote knowledge and a mutual commitment.
  • Educate the general public and healthcare personnel at all levels.
  • Recognize that antibiotic resistance is one of the world’s most pressing public health threats and global action is required to address and manage our scarce supply of effective antibiotics.

Great Plains Quality Innovation Network has professionals working in our region to assist practitioners, pharmacists and health systems in the implementation of coordinated interventions designed to improve and measure the appropriate use of antibiotics by promoting the selection of the optimal drug regimen, dose, duration of therapy and route of administration. Visit our website to learn more.